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Articles and news

July 16, 2024

Roman Rybak published an article titled "Datafaker Gen: Leveraging BigQuery Sink on Google Cloud Platform". You can find it here:

May 31, 2024

Michael Vitz had a talk at Spring I/O which was a perfect fit for Datafaker, related to Advanced Testing Techniques for Spring Boot applications. The reference to Datafaker can be found 19 minutes into the presentation, but it's recommended to watch the whole presentation, it contains a lot of great content related to testing:

May 15, 2024

Elias Nogueira had a talk at Devoxx UK called "Datafaker: the most powerful fake data generator". You can find the talk here:

Feb 22, 2024

Roman Rybak published an article about Flexible Data Generation With Datafaker Gen, which you can find here:

December 4, 2023

Datafaker: Simplifying Test Data Generation for Java and Kotlin article by Nexus Blog, which you can find here:

June 15, 2023

We published an article on DZone about major release of Datafaker 2.0, which you can find here:

June 9, 2023

Christophe Vaudry started writing a French series about Datafaker, which you can find here:

October 20, 2022

Eugene Kovko wrote an excellent getting started guide for Baeldung, which you can find here:

October 11, 2022

Jaap Coomans, who also helped contribute data to Datafaker, updated his excellent presentation which now features Datafaker to help in generating real looking test data:

July 17, 2022

Philip Riecks updated his Javafaker article by using Datafaker instead:

May 22, 2022

We published an article on DZone to demonstrate some of the new features of Datafaker:

March 5, 2022

We were mentioned as featured library of the day, by The Artifact Podcast:

The Artifact: Multicloud vs polycloud, Jakarta EE and other news (Ep 3) on Apple Podcasts (24:40)

February 13, 2022

Coffee and Tips wrote a tutorial about how to generate random data using Datafaker:

February 11, 2022

Piotr Minkowski was one of the first people to tweet about Datafaker:

January 4, 2022

The first article by Jworks which is about how to use Datafaker to be an alternative for using production data.

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